Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport To Take-Off On A Green Note

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STN: Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport is all set to take off on a green note. This is indeed a great step towards sustainability in the aviation industry. Environmental concerns are of paramount importance in the present scenario, and airports are known to be one of the biggest pollutants in the transportation industry. Hence, it is heartening to see Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport strive towards sustainability.

The initiative taken by Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport has set an example for other airports to follow. The airport has installed a 900 kWp solar plant to harness solar energy and plans to generate 4.4 lakh units of electricity annually. The plant is expected to meet over 30% of the airport’s energy needs and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3,800 tonnes per year. This is indeed a great initiative that can help in reducing the carbon footprint of the aviation industry, and it’s worth emulating.

The airport has also set up a rainwater harvesting system to ensure that groundwater is replenished and the rainwater is efficiently utilized. This will help in conserving water, which is a precious resource, and will also aid in reducing the airport’s dependence on the local water supply. Additionally, the airport has also set up a sewage treatment plant to treat domestic wastewater and release it for landscaping and vegetation purposes.

The initiative taken by Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport will undoubtedly inspire other airports to follow its footsteps and strive towards sustainability. This is a great example of how airports can contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the transportation industry. If all airports adopt such measures, it will undoubtedly help in reducing the impact of aviation on the environment.

In conclusion, Bhopal’s Raja Bhoj Airport’s initiative to take off on a green note sets a trend for sustainability in the aviation industry. This is undoubtedly a great step towards reducing carbon emissions and conserving resources. Other airports should follow suit and strive towards sustainability, and the stakeholders of the aviation industry should take a cue from this example and strive towards reducing their carbon footprint. Let us all work collectively to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future.

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